Origin of the Name Seoige
The ancient history of the name
Seoige was found in the allfamilycrests.com archives. Variants of Seoige include Joyce, Choice and Choyce. This is a baptismal name meaning 'the son of Joyce', an old personal name. The first of the name came to Ireland in 1283, his name being Thomas de Jorse or Joyce. He married the daughter of O'Brien, Prince of Thomond and went with her by sea to County Galway. There in Iar Connacht, which runs over the Mayo border, they were at first part of the O'Flaherty Sept but they established themselves so firmly and so permanently that the territory they inhabited became known as Joyce's Country and they had a recognized Chief of the name. The 'Composition Book of Connacht' places that Chief in the Barony of Ross, county Galway. William Joyce was Archbishop of Tuam from 1487-1501, and two of the name were Archbishops of Armagh from 1307-1324. The variants Choice and Choyce are the sharpened forms of this name. Seoige is the Gaelic form of the name Joyce.
The Seoige coat of arms came into existence centuries ago. The process of creating coats of arms (also often called family crests) began in the eleventh century although a form of Proto-Heraldry may have existed in some countries prior to this. The new art of Heraldry made it possible for families and even individual family members to have their very own coat of arms, including all Seoige descendants.