Origin of the Name Price
Price family history was found in the allfamilycrests.com archives. Price is a baptismal name from the words 'Ap Rice' or 'Ap Rees', meaning 'son of Rice'. Variants of the name include Preece, Preese, Pryce and Press. This name is of Welsh Descent spreading to England , Ireland and Scotland in early times, and is found in many mediaeval manuscripts throughout those countries. Examples of such are an Arnold Appryce and an Elizabeth Andrews who were married in London, England , in 1563 and a Philip ap Rys who was recorded in the Calendarium Rotulorum Patentium in Turri Londinensi, in the fourteenth century. A Lodovicus Apprise and a John Apryce were recorded in the Valor Ecclesesiasticus in the fifteenth century and a Simon Presse, County Staffordshire, was recorded in the University of Oxford in 1580. In Ireland the name has been found since the fourteenth century having been introduced by settlers from Wales. Price is sometimes used as an anglicized form of the native Gaelic O'Muirgheasain sept name of County Donegal, more often changed to Bryson or Briceson.
The Price coat of arms came into existence centuries ago. The process of creating coats of arms (also often called family crests) began in the eleventh century although a form of Proto-Heraldry may have existed in some countries prior to this. The new art of Heraldry made it possible for families and even individual family members to have their very own coat of arms, including all Price descendants.