Origin of the Name Mockler
Mockler family history was found in the allfamilycrests.com archives. Mockler is the modern form of the French Mauclerc, which is taken from the Norman Malclerc. In Ireland they established a sept in County Tipperary along Gaelic lines, as Moicleir. A sept or clan was a collective term describing a group of persons whose immediate ancestors bore a common surname and inhabited the same territory. The name has been found on records in Ireland since the year 1210. In 1356 a John Mauclerk was a large landowner in County Tipperary and from that century on the name occurs frequently in records dealing with that County. Mockler was found to be a numerous name in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in the Tudor Fiants, Petty's Census and the Hearth Money Rolls. There are two townlands named after them, they being Mocklertown in County Tipperary, both in the Barony of Middlethird with which the family were particularly associated. In Griffith's Evaluation in the year 1850 there were no less than forty families of the name recorded in South Tipperary.
The Mockler coat of arms came into existence centuries ago. The process of creating coats of arms (also often called family crests) began in the eleventh century although a form of Proto-Heraldry may have existed in some countries prior to this. The new art of Heraldry made it possible for families and even individual family members to have their very own coat of arms, including all Mockler descendants.