Origin of the Name Harp
The origin of the name
Harp was found in the allfamilycrests.com archives. Meaning 'the harper', Harp is an occupational name. Variants include Harper, Harpour, Harpur and Harpe. The harper was one of the most important figures of the mediaeval baronial hall, especially in Scotland and the North of England . The office of the Harper was sometimes hereditary. This name is of Anglo-Celtic origin and is found throughout England , Ireland , Scotland and Wales. It is found in many mediaeval manuscripts in these countries. Examples of such are a Henry atte Harpur, Cambridge, who was recorded in the 'Hundred Rolls' , England , in the year 1273. An Isabella Herpour was recorded in the 'Poll Tax' of the West Riding of Yorkshire in the year 1379. In Scotland some district lands were attached to an office of employment as shown by the place names Croit a Chlarsair, 'the Harpers Croft', in the Parish of Kiltarlity, near Dundonald, Ayrshire and elsewhere. In Ireland the name is found mostly in Ulster Province, but also in County Wexford, where the village of Harperstown still exists. As 'le Harpur', a Norman name, it is on record in Ireland since the thirteenth century.
The Harp coat of arms came into existence centuries ago. The process of creating coats of arms (also often called family crests) began in the eleventh century although a form of Proto-Heraldry may have existed in some countries prior to this. The new art of Heraldry made it possible for families and even individual family members to have their very own coat of arms, including all Harp descendants.